
  • Omaha developer wins Zappos’ API Challenge

    Last month, Zappos hosted its first API Developer Challenge-palooza-athon, a contest that rewarded folks for creating new uses of Zappos’ API. The company accepted submissions ranging from a simple widget module to even a single page web app — anything that made a creative use of the API. The top ideas were rewarded in the…

  • Big Omaha Video Series: Tony Hsieh of ‘Delivering Happiness’& Zappos

    (Photo by Malone & Company) Today, we’re releasing the last presentation in our video series from Big Omaha 2010! This video features Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO and author of the New York Times bestseller “Delivering Happiness”. When Tony confirmed that he’d be able to make Big Omaha 2010, we all knew we were in for…

  • PrairieCast: Aayush Phumbhra of textbook rental website Chegg

    This week on PrairieCast our guest is Aayush Phumbhra, co-founder and senior vice president of Chegg, a Santa Clara, California-based company often described as the “Netflix of textbook rentals.” Aayush earned his MBA at Iowa State University in Ames and joined forces with the founders of, a local website focused on saving students money.…

  • Big Omaha: An attendee’s ‘personal diary’ of the event

    Thanks to a media sponsorship from Andrew Warner of Mixergy, we had the pleasure of meeting Mixergy’s producer, Giang Biscan. After her experience at Big Omaha, she wrote about it on her blog, My personal diary of #BigOmaha. Since publishing it on May 18, she’s given us permission to re-post it on Silicon Prairie…

  • Big Omaha: Saturday live blog

    8:03 a.m. Welcome to Day 2 of Big Omaha. After an educational, enjoyable, and inspirational day of speakers, parties, and connecting yesterday, we’re getting set to jump into another shared experience with the likes of Dennis Crowley (foursquare), Melody McCloskey (StyleSeat) and Tony Hsieh (Zappos). I’m the duly appointed live blogger for today so if…

  • Tony Hsieh discusses Zappos’ culture, ‘Delivering Happiness’ book

    About a week ago, I had the privilege of interviewing one of this decade’s leading entrepreneurs, Tony Hsieh. Prior to building Zappos into a company that Amazon would eventually acquire for 850 million-dollars, Hsieh co-founded and sold the internet advertising network LinkExchange to Microsoft for 265 million-dollars in 1998. Tony’s passion and drive to build…

  • Gathering questions for Tony Hsieh of ‘Delivering Happiness’& Zappos

    Tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday, April 27) I will be interviewing Big Omaha 2010 speaker Tony Hsieh, author of the upcoming book Delivering Happiness and CEO of Zappos, and I want to hear from you, our readers, as to the questions you’d like me to ask Tony. Ideas, suggestions, feedback and thoughts are all open, please leave…

  • Sunday Video Series: Tony Hsieh on Zappos’ key to success

    Keeping in line with weekly links to startup-related posts that we find interesting, each Sunday we’ll be sharing a video with solid content that we found while scouring the web for entrepreneurial and innovative inspiration. This week’s video features Tony Hsieh’s at South by Southwest Interactive 2009. In the clip, Tony gives insight into Zappos’…