Johnny Cupcakes founder shares his story, talks about upcoming visit

Johnny Earle took a few minutes to talk with me about the rise of the multi-million dollar Johnny Cupcakes T-shirt line, the vanilla-scented car fresheners inside his retail shops and the passion behind what he’s been working on for almost the last 10 years.

Photo of Johnny Earle, a.k.a. Johnny Cupcakes, outside his retail store – from

Johnny Earle took a few minutes to talk with me about the rise of his multi-million dollar Johnny Cupcakes T-shirt line, the vanilla-scented car fresheners inside his retail shops and the passion behind what he’s been working on for almost the last 10 years.

I first became aware of Johnny after reading a Fast Company article on his business a few years back. Since then, he’s made the Best Young Entrepreneurs, Class of 2008 list by Business Week Magazine and the 2009 Inc 5000 (#237) list.


Now, the Midwest has a chance to hear Johnny’s story next Thursday evening at Creighton University. The event starts at 7 p.m. and is free, but you must RSVP at

Take a listen to my interview and I look forward to seeing you next Thursday!

{% audio url=”″,title=”Interview with Johnny Cupcakes”,artist=”Silicon Prairie News” %}

Here’s a great video which talks more about the Johnny Cupcakes Campus Tour:

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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