Our friend Jimmy Winter over at Music Arsenal announced the launch of RockDex! RockDex is a site where artists can see the amount of “internet chatter” about them and learn new ways to increase the buzz. RockDex scours the internet to find current trends about an artist and scores a band based on data from other bands on their level.
The algorithm was generated by looking at over 20,000 datasets for artists both large and small. Everything from Green Day and Coldplay, to local bands Son Ambulance and Nick Carl.
Think of it as the Nielsen Ratings for an artist’s internet activity.
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Jimmy first had the idea a few years back but never had the chance to develop it. With the wide range of APIs available now it made development rapid and the data much more accurate than it ever could have been.
Building the site was no small feat and a huge shout out to the amazingly talented Eric Downs of DownsDesign. Jimmy says that Eric took the scribbled ideas for a design and turned it around in just a weeks time!
Jimmy will be at SXSW Music if you’re around and want to talk more about RockDex, share your ideas or even have a beer. (Here’s Jimmy’s personal tentative, incomplete music schedule) Also, at SXSW RockDex is hosting a party with Music Arsenal partners Indie Extreme on March 19th from 4 to 8pm at the Blind Pig Rooftop. Stop by and say whats up!)
Follow them on Twitter and keep an eye on his blog to hear about updates and improvements to RockDex and Music Arsenal!