Without a submission to post, the Five and Five series takes another week of vacation. I hope to see it return next week — if you’re interested in participating, the details are below. You can view all previous Five in Fives at siliconprairienews.com/tag/five-in-five.
Also, next Thursday, there’s going to be a rad meetup of bloggers at Caffeine Dreams at 7:15 a.m. You don’t need a blog to join us, just an interest in blogging. You can find all the details at meetup.com/the-omaha-blog-co.
If you’d like to be featured in Five in Five, here’s how:
1. Record a five minute or less video answering these five questions
- What is the name, subject and URL of your blog?
- Why do you blog?
- How long have you been blogging and what blogging software do you use?
- What’s your favorite blog (besides your own)?
- What do you think the state of the blogosphere is in our region?
2. Post the video to a video sharing site that it allows it to be later embedded (Viddler, Vimeo, YouTube, etc.)
3. Send an email containing the below information to danny@siliconprairienews.com
- Name(s)
- Full-time job(s) and title(s)
- City you’re blogging from
- Name, subject and URL of your blog
- Link to your video
4. Wait to see if it makes it up on SPN (I’ll be sending you an email if and when it does)