Five in Five still on vacation; next week’s Omaha Bloggers meetup is going to rock

Without a submission to post, the Five and Five series takes another week of vacation. I hope to see it return next week — if you’re interested in participating, the details are below. You can view all previous Five in Fives at Also, next Thursday, there’s going to be a rad meetup of bloggers…

Without a submission to post, the Five and Five series takes another week of vacation. I hope to see it return next week — if you’re interested in participating, the details are below. You can view all previous Five in Fives at

Also, next Thursday, there’s going to be a rad meetup of bloggers at Caffeine Dreams at 7:15 a.m. You don’t need a blog to join us, just an interest in blogging. You can find all the details at

If you’d like to be featured in Five in Five, here’s how:

1. Record a five minute or less video answering these five questions

  1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog?
  2. Why do you blog?
  3. How long have you been blogging and what blogging software do you use?
  4. What’s your favorite blog (besides your own)?
  5. What do you think the state of the blogosphere is in our region?

2. Post the video to a video sharing site that it allows it to be later embedded (Viddler, Vimeo, YouTube, etc.)

3. Send an email containing the below information to

  1. Name(s)
  2. Full-time job(s) and title(s)
  3. City you’re blogging from
  4. Name, subject and URL of your blog
  5. Link to your video

4. Wait to see if it makes it up on SPN (I’ll be sending you an email if and when it does)

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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