- Name: Nathan T. Wright
- Full-time job: Founder, Lava Row
- City you’re blogging from: Des Moines
1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog?
Lava Row, lavarow.com
We use it as a platform to discuss emerging trends in social technology and new media, as well as showcase the day-to-day happenings at our company.
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2. Why do you blog?
It’s a powerful, efficient, and cost-effective business publishing tool. That’s why I blog.
3. How long have you been blogging and what blogging software do you use?
I’ve been blogging since 2000 (in various forms). At one point, very early on, I was uploading my “posts” as static HTML pages, and community reactions were happening on a user forum that I attached to the website. Thankfully I’ve upgraded since then, and we use WordPress as the engine for the Lava Row blog.
4. What’s your favorite blog (besides your own)?
This is a toss-up between Chris Brogan and Jeremiah Owyang. They are both opposite ends of the spectrum – Chris offers grounded, practical, human advice. Owyang is very much the analyst – encyclopedic in tone and extremely forward-thinking. Both authors make me smarter every day.
5. What do you think the state of the blogosphere is in our region?
It’s good, but you have to look beyond the blogosphere for the full picture. Look at the amazing connections being formed on Twitter, or in-person at events like Big Omaha or Highlight Midwest.