- Name: Deb Averett
- Full-time job: Social Media Consultant at Toolulu and Interior Consultant at Fresh Nest Design
- City you’re blogging from: Waverly, Neb.
1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog?
Fresh Nest Design, Interior Design, freshnestdesign.com
2. Why do you blog?
I blog at Fresh Nest Design for a creative outlet. I love designing mood boards for those that are struggling with design. It never gets old inspiring others and myself along the way. I truly believe that anyone can learn how to design their space, and that’s the purpose of Fresh Nest Design. It hopefully helps people realize how important their surroundings are. Having a well designed space will make you happier and more successful.
3. How long have you been blogging and what blogging software do you use?
I started blogging in 2005 with a personal blog on blogger. The platform we use for Fresh Nest Design is WordPress. I love the flexibility and plugins on WordPress and wouldn’t work on anything else.
4. What’s your favorite blog (besides your own)?
There are so many! I love designspongeonline.com and decor8blog.com. These blogs are so wonderful and are daily stops for me. I love how they share pretty things and inspire me.
5. What do you think the state of the blogosphere is in our region?
I think that we have a decent amount of bloggers in the area. I am always amazed at how many we have. What’s so great about blogging, though, is that we don’t have to be in the same region to connect and get to know each other. I have met bloggers from different parts of the country and world — all online. It’s a wonderful way of bringing different people together.