Earlier this week, Omaha’s AIM Institute, a nonprofit organization with a goal of empowering communities, organizations, and individuals through information technology (IT), announced that they’ll soon be carrying out that mission in two Council Bluffs high school thanks to Google. AIM has been awarded a $26,000 grant from the Google Data Centers Fund of the Tides Foundation to develop an IT academy for students at Council Bluffs’ Thomas Jefferson High School and Abraham Lincoln High School.
According to the AIM press release, the IT academy will give 20 students the opportunity to earn college credit by completing intense IT modules from January through June 2011. In the last month, students will complete a capstone project where they will develop their own Android mobile application.
“The number one thing Google hopes to achieve from this grant is more youth pursuing IT careers,” said Chris Russell, operations manager for the Google Data Center in Council Bluffs, in the press release. I think we can all agree with that statement, and hopefully, we’ll see a good number of those students pursue entrepreneurial ventures, as well, something the Andriod mobile course could accomplish.
To learn more about this grant, see the aforementioned press release: aiminstitute.org/publicity/press-release.
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