Coming soon: Silicon Prairie News – Kansas City Edition

Since committing to covering the startup community on the Silicon Prairie over two years ago, namely in Omaha and Des Moines, we’ve often heard from folks to the south of us say, “If you ever come to Kansas City, let us know.” We’ll, here we come, and we couldn’t be more excited. In a of…

The beautiful Kansas City skyline. Photo by Caleb Zahnd via Flickr.

Since committing to covering the startup community on the Silicon Prairie over two years ago, namely in Omaha and Des Moines, we’ve often heard from folks to the south of us say, “If you ever come to Kansas City, let us know.” Well, here we come, and we couldn’t be more excited.

In a couple of weeks, look for an official post to announce the addition of the “Silicon Prairie News – Kansas City Edition,” a feature of our site which allows users to filter content based off what city they’re most interested in reading about. Currently, we have an Omaha, Des Moines and National edition (left) – the latter being stories we think would appeal to a “national” (and international) audience. With the addition of the Kansas City edition, of course, comes plenty of Kansas City content, the real story behind our coming soon Kansas City edition.

As we prepare for our quickly approaching launch, you may be hearing from individuals in Kansas City who say they’re “contributing to Silicon Prairie News.” That is indeed true – we’ve already begun working with a handful of individuals who’ve shown us their passion to build the startup community across the entire Silicon Prairie. These individuals will be reaching out to others, preparing profile pieces, announcing events, and more.

There’s lots happening in Kansas City, and although we wish we had the human bandwidth to cover the individuals, companies and events from day one, we’re now more than ever excited to do so. With that in mind, if you have an idea for a story in Kansas City, don’t hesitate to reach out to us – email

Look for more to come in the weeks ahead, including a couple posts covering news items in Kansas City. And if you’re in Kansas City, or up for a Tuesday night road trip, block off the night of March 1st. We have some things brewing for that night to officially kick things off in the world’s barbecue capital.

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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