The Iowa Economic Development Authority announced Friday that it will award WebFilings—a cloud-based financial reporting software company based in Ames, Iowa—$5 million in financial assistance that will help the company expand and create 700 jobs in its Iowa offices.
“The State of Iowa has been a long-time supporter of WebFilings,” said Webfiling’s CEO Matthew Rizai in a press release. “This is just one of the reasons why we have chosen to scale our software company in Ames. Today’s award is another example of Iowa’s commitment to growing quality jobs.”
Webfilings also will receive tax benefits for a $15.5 million capital investment that includes construction of a new building in Ames.
“WebFilings’ commitment to job creation is unprecedented in the Ames community,” said Dan Culhane, president and CEO of Ames Economic Development Commission, in a press release. “The impact of the WebFilings expansion will benefit a large part of central Iowa. We are thrilled with this announcement.”
The company was founded in 2008 and launched its product in March 2010. Currently Webfilings has offices in Ames and Mountain View, Calif., as well as eight additional cities across the country.
For more information about Webfilings, read our previous coverage: “Two years since Webfilings launch, CEO says it’s pulling the market“