Amanda Morrow presents on mobile application redesign at Barcamp Des Moines 2010 photo from Geoff Wood on Flickr
Design+Tech, a new meetup group being put together by Amanda Morrow, will meet for the first time on June 1 at BitMethod (418 6th Ave, Suite 1210) in Des Moines. Morrow, an interface designer for the application development shop, sees the tech startup space as a large opportunity about which local designers may not be aware.
“I’d been interested in designing for the web for a long time but was always unsure where to start,” Morrow said recently via email. “After getting laid off two years ago, I had some time on my hands, so I started reading books, blogs and attending a few user groups. I learned a lot, but it was still tough learning on my own.
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“I strongly believe Des Moines needs a community-driven web design group where designers can lean on each other for feedback and advice. Sometimes tech can be a little overwhelming, and it doesn’t have to be.
“Working at BitMethod is awesome because I am constantly learning on the job. A lot of designers in Des Moines aren’t that lucky. I want to provide them with a group where they can learn the basics and start designing cool stuff right away.
“There’s a lot of opportunity in Des Moines for designers to get in with awesome companies right at the ground level. Startups are popping up left and right and they are going to need designers to take their concepts to the next level.”
Morrow said that anyone is welcome to participate in Design+Tech but did note that topics will revolve around things like “user experience and basic web design.”
For more information, read Morrow’s post, “Introducing Design+Tech,” on BitMethod’s blog. To attend Design+Tech, register on