Impromptu Studio co-founder reflects on coworking & community
At the close of last month came the close of a notable figure in the Des Moines entrepreneur and startup community: Impromptu Studio, Des Moines’ first coworking space. Founded in August 2008 by Daniel Shipton, now co-founder and CEO of BitMethod, and his wife Abbie, former architect now stay-at-home mom, Impromptu Studio existed not only…
Prairie Moves: Pongr, Tripleseat, Sigler Companies and more
(Photo by Nicholas_T via Flickr) The goal of Prairie Moves is to keep our readers informed about career moves, press coverage, and product development from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post,…
Happy #CoworkingDay!
This past Saturday, Brad Neuberg, the creator of coworking, tweeted the above declaration to celebrate the five-year anniversary of his original coworking site, Hat Factory. To help celebrate, we’ve compiled links and short descriptions of coworking sites located in Omaha, Lincoln, and Des Moines. Additionally…
John Pemble discusses his unique film, ‘101 Days of 12 Second Videos’
A self-described video blogger recently premiered a somewhat unorthodox autobiographical documentary at Impromptu Studio in Des Moines. The film, 101 Days of 12 Second Videos, is an amalgamation of John Pemble’s life from late-2009 through March 20, 2010. John utilized the web-based video platform 12Seconds.tv to publish a literal…
Game development event TIGJam Midwest taking place June 4-6
TIGJam Midwest, an innovative game development event, will take place in Des Moines Friday, June 4 through Sunday, June 6. “It’s called TIGJam because our group is part of the TIGSource community, which is a developer community for indie games,” said organizer Josh Larson, an independent video game developer under the brand God at play.…
Johnny Cupcakes, Ignite Lincoln, Cornstalks, Coding Dojo and more
There’s quite the variety of events headed our way in and around Omaha and Des Moines. We’ve included one, in particular, that is a bit outside of our regular entrepreneurial and creative event postings, but we’ve heard it’s a very cool exhibit –BODIES…The Exhibition. Hope you can get out, enjoy the nice weather, and the…
Market Street Media Foundry evolves into makebreak
Scott Kubie, Cat Rocketship and the others behind Market Street Media Foundry (MSMF) announced today that they were evolving their vision and are now makebreak.
Daniel Shipton to be a guest on IPTV’s The Iowa Journal
Des Moines-based entrepreneur Daniel Shipton, CEO of BitMethod and Director of Operations at Impromptu Studio, will be a panelist on tonight’s episode of The Iowa Journal on Iowa Public Television. Daniel joins a diverse group of Iowans to discuss the show’s topic, What’s Iowa’s Future? The other panelists are former NBC News and Iowa Board…
Movement Bash to kick off Highlight Midwest festivities
The second annual Highlight Midwest event coming up on October 23rd is already drawing the creative class from places like Kansas City, Omaha, and beyond as well as those who call Des Moines home. Details emerged today about an adjacent event that is being planned the preceding evening called “Movement Bash” that is sure…