John Jackovin is the founder and CEO of Des Moines-based Bawte, an app that allows users to tag purchased items and receive product manuals or service information. In July, Bawte was accepted to Techstars Boulder‘s 90-day accelerator. Jackovin’s been writing about his experiences in Techstars and his company’s growth.
Thanks to Jackovin for letting us share his posts, which originally appeared on Medium. Read Jackovin’s previous posts here.
Seven weeks down and six to go. So much left to do. I love the fact that we are more than half way through a really tough program. We made it this far and I haven’t lost my marbles. Only six weeks until I get to see my girls for more than a few days before heading back for another month away.
Also, only six weeks to also prove traction, develop relationships with investors, re-engineer the entire app, get my demo day pitch down and a myriad of other things. A bit torn here. I want it to speed up and slow down all at the same time. Make sense? I didn’t think so. ☺
Techstars’ motto is, “Do more, faster.”
That is exactly what needs to happen for Bawte. As I mentioned in a previous piece we have the great UX team at Slice of Lime doing user interviews and tabulating that data so that another great team, Creatix can drive through the UI design. I am putting a lot of pressure on David and his team to compress about 7 weeks of iOS, Android, and web UI design work into about 3 weeks. I am confident he can do it…right David?